Los Runners
Client: Los Runners Status: Online
Role: Founder, Branding, Social Media Link: losrunners.com
Duration: 4 weeks Tools: Squarespace & Photoshop, Illustrator
Los Runners is a California based running club supporting all runners at different levels with opportunities to learn and develop as runners. Their values focus around community and running, so in order to develop as a running club they needed a place to supporters to visit them. The website I created focuses on events, support to the community and a way for visitors to support them.
Social Media
Social Media Marketing.
Instagram content has been a number one focus for Los Runners to gain exposure, once a sense of brand was establish Los Runners has been able to gain more than couple thousand visits in a week, and has been able to fundraise over $1,000 in just two weeks. Exposure and content on Instagram and Facebook has allowed the club to grow in a matter of weeks.
Establish a brand
Campaign for fundraising events
Highlight members